Monitor PCE Health

This section tells how to monitor the health of the PCE.

PCE Health Monitoring Techniques

You can monitor the PCE software health using the following methods:

  • PCE web console: The Health page in the PCE web console provides health information about your on-premises PCE, whether you deployed a 2x2 cluster, 4x2 cluster, or SNC.
  • REST API: The PCE Health API can be used to obtain health information.
  • Syslog: When you configure syslog with the PCE software, the PCE reports system_health messages to syslog for all nodes in the PCE cluster.
  • PCE command-line interface: Run commands to obtain health status for the entire PCE cluster and each node in the cluster.
  • Database health check tool: (Illumio Core 19.3.0 and 19.3.1 only) Run the dbcheck command-line tool to obtain database health status on each data node in the cluster.

Minimum Required Monitoring

The PCE provides several different methods you can use to monitor PCE health, as described in PCE Health Monitoring Techniques.

No matter which technique you use, there is one main signal that it is important to watch for: the overall system status. You must monitor it as follows:

  • If you are using the PCE web console, keep an eye on the PCE Health status near the top of the page. It indicates whether the PCE is in a Normal, Warning, or Critical state of health. For details, see Health Monitoring Using PCE Web Console.
  • If you are using the API, similarly, monitor the status field. For details, see Health Monitoring Using Health REST API.
  • If you are using the PCE syslog to monitor PCE health, watch for any messages that contain the text sev=WARN or sev=ERR. In such messages, check the other fields for details. For more details, see Health Monitoring Using Syslog.

The rest of this section provides details about the meaning of the various PCE health metrics and what to do if a warning or error state is seen.

PCE Health Status Codes

The following table lists the status shown in the PCE web console (or PCE Health API), the severity code shown in syslog, the corresponding color code in the PCE web console, and the most commonly encountered causes for each level of health.



Typical Meaning

Normal (healthy) or sev=INFO


  • All required nodes and services are running.
  • CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage of all nodes is less than 95%, and all other metrics are below their thresholds.
  • Database replication lag is less than or equal to 30 seconds.

Warning or sev=WARN


  • One or more nodes are unreachable.
  • One or more optional services are missing, or one or more required services have been degraded.
  • The CPU usage, memory usage, or disk usage of any node is greater than or equal to 95%, or another health metric has exceeded its warning threshold. For more information, see PCE Health Metrics Reference.
  • Database replication lag is greater than 30 seconds.
  • Supercluster replication lag is greater than 120 seconds.

Critical or sev=ERR


  • One or more required services are missing.
  • A health metric has exceeded its critical/error threshold. For more information, see PCE Health Metrics Reference.

In Illumio Core 19.3.2 and later, if a warning threshold has been exceeded, a warning icon appears in three places in the web console UI: the upper right of the PCE Health dashboard, the General summary area of the dashboard, and next to the appropriate tab.

Health Monitoring Using PCE Web Console

Click the Health icon at the top of the PCE web console to see the general health of the PCE.

In Illumio Core 19.3.2 and later:

Tabs categorize the health information by Node, Application, Database Replication, and Supercluster.

The Node tab shows node information, including the health metric Disk Latency.

The Application tab shows a variety of information, including database health metrics. (For details, see PCE Health Metrics Reference.) The tab is divided into sections:

  • Collector Summary (flow rate, success vs. failure rates)
  • Traffic Summary (ingestion, backlog, database utilization)
  • Policy Database Summary (database size, transaction ID age, vacuum backlog)
  • VEN Heartbeat (success vs. failure, latency)
  • VEN Policy (request rate, latency)

The Database Replication tab shows the database replication lag.

The Supercluster tab shows the supercluster replication lag.

In Illumio Core 19.3.0 and 19.3.1:

  • PCE Health: Displays general PCE cluster health information, such as the PCE name, its runlevel, and overall PCE health (normal, warning, or error).
  • PCE Node Health: For each node in the cluster, displays the node's hostname, IP address, runlevel, and whether the PCE software is running properly. Displays the node type (core or data) and which data nodes are the database replica and master. Displays the replication delay for the database replica.
  • Database Replication Lag: Displays which of your data node is the master and which data node is the replica. Displays the amount of latency between the database replica and database master nodes for both the policy and traffic database. The PCE continually replicates both its policy and traffic databases.
  • PCE Service Alert: Displays the number of degraded or failed services in the cluster with a detailed view to see where the service failures have occurred; namely, services that have been degraded or are no longer running on specific nodes.

PCE Health Status Indicator

The PCE web console provides an indicator that reflects overall status. Near the top of the PCE Health page in the PCE web console, a warning indicator labeled PCE Health shows normal, warning, or critical. You can find more details on the tab that corresponds to the issue.

Health Monitoring Using Health REST API

With the Health Check API, you can display PCE health information using the following syntax:

GET [api_version]/health

For details, see PCE Health in the REST API Developer Guide.

Health Monitoring Using Syslog

Each PCE node reports its status to the local syslog daemon once every minute. The PCE uses the program name illumio_pce/system_health for these messages.

Example Syslog Messages

Example syslog message from a non-leader PCE node:

2015-12-17T00:40:31+00:00 level=info host=ip-10-0-0-26 ip= program=illumio_pce/system_health| sec=312831.757 sev=INFO pid=9231 tid=12334020 rid=0 leader= database_replication_lag=3.869344 cpu=2% disk=11% memory=19% 

Example syslog message from a leader PCE node for a healthy PCE cluster:

2015-12-23T22:52:59+00:00 level=info host=ip-10-0-24-26 ip= program=illumio_pce/system_health| sec=911179.836 sev=INFO pid=5633 tid=10752960 rid=0 cluster=healthy cpu=2% disk=10% memory=37%

Example syslog message from a leader PCE node for a degraded PCE cluster with one node missing:

2015-12-23T22:56:00+00:00 level=notice host=ip-10-0-24-26 ip= program=illumio_pce/system_health| sec=911360.719 sev=WARN pid=5633 tid=10752960 rid=0 cluster=degraded missing=1 cpu=34% disk=10% memory=23% 

Health Monitoring Using PCE Command Line

This section gives several techniques you can use at the command line to monitor PCE health.

Monitor a PCE Cluster

The following command displays the status of the PCE cluster, including where each individual service is running:

$ sudo -u ilo-pce illumio-pce-ctl cluster-status

Return codes:

  • 1 - RUNNING
  • 2 - PARTIAL (not all required services running)

For example:

$ ./illumio-pce-ctl cluster-status
SERVICES (runlevel: 5)          NODES (Reachable: 4 of 4)
======================          ===========================

This command displays the members of the PCE cluster:

$ sudo -u ilo-pce illumio-pce-ctl cluster-members

For example:

[illumio@core0 illumio-pce]$ ./illumio-pce-ctl cluster-members
Reading /var/illumio-pce/data/runtime_env.yml.
Node                 Address         Status  Type  alive   server  alive   server  alive   server  alive   client

Monitor Database Replication

On either data node, run the following command to display the status of replication between the master database and replica:

$ sudo -u ilo-pce illumio-pce-db-management show-replication-info

The PCE updates this information every two minutes.


To prevent data loss during a database failover operation, monitor the PCE databases for excessive database replication lag.

For example:

$ ./illumio-pce-db-management show-replication-info
Reading /var/illumio/data/runtime_env.yml.
Current Time: 2016-02-16 22:42:03 UTC
Master: (
Last Sampling Time : 2016-02-16 22:41:14 UTC
Transaction Log location : 0/41881E8
IP Address:
Last Sampling Time : 2016-02-16 22:41:16 UTC
Streaming : true
Receive Log Location : 0/41881E8
Replay Log Location : 0/4099048
Receive Lag (bytes) : 0
Replay Lag (bytes) : 979360
Transaction Lag (secs) : 4.633377
Last Transaction Replayed Time: 2016-02-16 22:37:12.920179 UTC

Database Health Check Tool

(Illumio Core 19.3.0 and 19.3.1 only. In 19.3.2, the functionality of this tool has been integrated fully into the PCE, so the dbcheck tool is no longer needed. In 19.3.1, the dbcheck tool is shipped with the PCE. For earlier versions, available as a download from the Illumio Knowledge Base.)

The command-line tool dbcheck checks the health of PCE databases and indicates whether database maintenance is needed. The tool returns either "The PCE databases appear to be healthy" or "The PCE might need maintenance. Please contact Illumio support."

The tool checks for the following signs of database health:

  • All required databases are correctly operating.
  • Databases are not at risk of transaction ID starvation.
  • Databases are not falling behind in background tasks, ex. vacuum.
  • The disk usage of databases is within safe usage thresholds.

Run dbcheck on the data nodes of a PCE. The tool should be executed on both PCE data nodes, since the primary and traffic databases could be running on either node. The command syntax is:

$ sudo -u ilo-pce [ILLUMIO_RUNTIME_ENV=runtime_env_location] dbcheck [--verbose] [--output outFile]
  • ILLUMIO_RUNTIME_ENV: If the Illumio Runtime Environment file is in a custom location, specify the custom location.
  • --verbose: returns additional information, including PCE version, runlevel, node type, PCE FQDN and disk statistics.
  • --output: sends the command ouput to the specified file.

You can run the tool using the command line. You can also set the tool to run periodically using the cron function and send the command output to an administrator or a system monitoring tool.

The tool returns the standard Linux exit codes: 0 is success and 1 is failure.PCE 

PCE Health Troubleshooting

This section tells what action to take if you see a non-normal status when monitoring PCE health. The recommended response depends on which metric has departed from the Normal state. If you are not able to diagnose and fix it yourself, contact Illumio Support.

The health metrics may occur in the PCE web console, API response status field, or in the syslog severity field. When multiple conditions result in differing levels of severity, the more critical level is reported. If you receive a non-normal level for any of the following, here are the suggested actions to take. For additional details, see PCE Health Metrics Reference.



Disk Latency

Warning/Critical: Disk latency on data nodes is an indication that DB/Traffic service needs to be investigated further for possible performance issues. Typically higher disk latency numbers indicate Disk I/O bottlenecks.

CPU When the PCE is under heavy load, CPU usage increases, and the Warning status is reported. Typically, the load should decrease without intervention in less than 20 minutes. If the Warning condition persists for 30 minutes or more, decrease the load on the CPU or increase capacity.
Memory When the PCE is under heavy load, memory usage increases, and the Warning status is reported. Typically, the load should decrease without intervention in less than 20 minutes. If the Warning condition persists for 30 minutes or more, increase the available memory.
Disk Space The PCE manages disk space using log rotation, and this is usually sufficient to address any Warning condition. If the Warning level persists for more than one day, and the amount of disk space consumed keeps increasing, notify Illumio Support.

Policy Database Summary

  • disk_usage (database disk utilization):

    Warning: Plan to increase the capacity of the disk partition holding the Policy DB or make more room by deleting unnecessary data as soon as possible.

    Critical: Immediately increase the disk partition holding the Policy DB or make more room by deleting unnecessary data.

  • txid_max_age (transaction ID maximum age):

    Warning: Contact Illumio Support and plan a manual full Vacuum as soon as possible.

    Critical: Immediately contact Illumio Support.

  • vacuum_backlog (vacuum backlog):

    Warning, Critical: Contact Illumio Support if the situation persists so that the reason for the underperformance of the auto-vacuum can be investigated.

VEN heartbeat performance

  • avg_latency, hi_latency (latency):

    If the VEN heartbeat latency is high, examine the application logs on core nodes and system resource utilization across the entire PCE cluster. IOPS-related issues may often be diagnosed by examining database logs and observing long wait times for committing database transactions to disk.

  • rate, result (response stats):

    Warning/Critical: Examine the application logs on core nodes for more information about the precise cause of the failure

Policy performance

  • avg_latency, hi_latency (latency):

    If latency is abnormally high, investigate the cause (e.g., logs can give an idea of why the policy is changing).

  • rate (request count):

    If abnormally large, investigate the cause (see latency). The default threshold is conservative by design. Each organization has its own expected rate of change of VEN policy, so there is no universal correct warning threshold; you may tune the threshold to better match expectations. If there is an excessive number of VEN policy requests,examine application logs to find the reasons for the policy changes and determine whether the policy changes are expected.

Collector summary

  • Flow summaries rate, node:

    A 4x2 is speced to handle approximately 10,000 flow summaries per second. If fewer posts are reported and you see a large number of failed posts, increase the collector count via the runtime.

  • Success rate, node:

    This metric is informational. However, if counts differ across core machines, ensure intra-PCE latency is within the 10ms limit.

  • Failure percentage ratio, node:

    On startup, or when connections are reestablished, VEN post rates can overwhelm the PCE, causing it to reject posts. This is normal unless persistent, so if this ratio is large, or if if the value is consistent and large (0.1), it means VENs may not be able to upload flow data, and they will start dropping after 24 hrs. Adding more collectors is usually the solution.

Traffic summary

  • Ingest rate, node:

    A 4x2 PCE is speced to handle approximately 10,000 flows per second by default. If you see this rate exceeded, and see a growing backlog, then the PCE will eventually prune the backlog and lose data. Adding additional flow_analytics daemons will distribute the work, but eventually postgresql itself could be the bottleneck, requiring use of DX.

  • Backlog size, node:

    If the size of the backlog increases continuously, this indicates performance issues with the flow analytics service which processes the flows in the backlog. Contact Illumio support if the backlog exceeds certain threshold.

  • Backlog size percentage:

    Increasing values indicate that the buffered new flow data is growing, meaning the PCE is unable to keep up with the rate of data posted. The PCE collector flow summary rate and PCE traffic summary ingest rate need to be to be roughly equal or this buffered backlog will grow.

Database Replication Lag Warning: Check whether the PCE is running properly and verify that there is no network issue between the nodes. If the replication lag keeps increasing, contact Illumio Support.
Supercluster Replication Lag Warning: Check whether all PCEs are running properly and verify that there is no network issue between the lagging PCEs. If the replication lag keeps increasing, contact Illumio Support.

Configurable Thresholds for Health Metrics

(For Illumio Core 19.3.2 and later)

You can configure the thresholds that define the normal, warning, and critical status for each health metric. Each health metric has predefined thresholds for normal (green), warning (yellow), and critical (red). You can use the command illumio-pce-env metrics --write to adjust these thresholds. This command can be used to modify any Boolean, number, float, or string, or array of these types (no nested arrays). For example:

illumio-pce-env metrics --write CollectorHealth:failure_warning_percent=15.0

After setting the desired threshold values, copy /var/lib/illumio-pce/data/illumio/metrics.conf to every node in the cluster to ensure consistent application of the thresholds.

Examples of when you might want to use this feature:

  • At a larger installation, the default memory threshold is set to 80%, but memory usage routinely spikes to 95%. Every time the memory utilization exceeds the threshold, the PCE Health page displays a warning. By configuring a higher threshold, you can reduce the frequency of warnings.
  • Database replication lag can exceed a threshold for a brief time, raising a warning, but the system will catch up with replication after some time. To reduce these warnings, you can configure a longer time period for database replication lag to be tolerated. Note: This is not the same as configuring the threshold of the replication lag itself, but the permissible period of time for the lag to be non-zero.
  • The default thresholds might be acceptable at first, but as more VENs are paired to the PCE over time, the default thresholds might need adjustment.

To set health metrics thresholds:

  1. Run the following command to get a list of the available metrics, their current settings, and the thresholds you can modify:

    illumio-pce-env metrics --list

    Example output:

    Engine                                     Param    Value    Default
    CollectorHealth             failure_warning_percent             10.0
    			     failure_critical_percent            20.0
    			     summary_warning_rate               12000
    			     summary_critical_rate              15000
    FlowAnalyticsHealth         backlog_warning_percent             10.0
    			     backlog_critical_percent            50.0
    			     summary_warning_rate               12000
    			     summary_critical_rate              15000

    If nothing appears in the Param column for a given metric, you can't modify the thresholds for that metric. This output shows that the Collector Health metric has four thresholds you can modify.

  2. Run the following command:

    illumio-pce-env metrics --write MetricName:threshold_name=value

    For MetricName, threshold_name, and value, substitute the desired values. For example:

    illumio-pce-env metrics --write CollectorHealth:failure_warning_percent=15.0

    NOTE: Do not insert any space characters around the equals sign (=).

  3. Copy /var/lib/illumio-pce/data/illumio/metrics.conf to every node in the cluster. (The path to metrics.conf might be different if you have customized persistent_data_root in runtime_env.yml.)

  4. Restart the PCE.

  5. When a metrics configuration is detected, the PCE loads and applies it. In ilo_node_monitor.log, you should see a message like "Loaded metric configuration for MetricName."

The metrics command provides other options as well; this section has covered only the most useful ones. For complete information, run the command with the -h option to see the help text:

illumio-pce-env metrics -h