Deploy Kubelink in Your Cluster

Download the required resources such as, Kubelink docker image, secret, and deployment files from the Illumio Support portal (login required).


  • Kubelink deployment file provided by Illumio.
  • Kubelink secret file provided by Illumio.
  • Illumio's Kubelink docker image uploaded to your private docker registry.

Configure Kubelink Secret

This section assumes that you have created a Container Cluster object in the PCE. You will need the Cluster ID and Cluster Token values for the Kubelink secret.

  1. Open the Kubelink secret YAML file and modify the following keys that are listed under stringData:

    1. ilo_server = the PCE URL and port. Example:
    2. ilo_cluster_uuid = Cluster ID value from previous step. Example: 15643adc-ac09-40f2-be63-fd9a261f41cc
    3. ilo_cluster_token = Cluster Token from previous step. Example: 1_e94c116a4485ab1bb8560728afd6a332182b849c841297f63e73a87bf255cc96
    4. ignore_cert = SSL verification. The value is boolean and is recommended to be set to false so that Kubelink requires PCE certificate verification. Example: 'false'
    5. log_level = Log level where '0' for debug, '1' for info, '2' for warn, or '3' for error. Example: '1'

    Illumio does not recommend turning off SSL verification (ignore_cert: 'true'). However, this is an option for deployments in which the PCE uses a self-signed certificate. For PCE deployments using a certificate signed with a private PKI, there is no need to set the ignore_cert key to 'false'. For more details, see Create a ConfigMap to Store Your Root CA Certificate.

    The contents of a modified illumio-kubelink-secret.yml file are shown below.

    # Copyright 2013-2021 Illumio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: illumio-config
      namespace: illumio-system
    type: Opaque
      ilo_server: # Example:
      ilo_cluster_uuid: 42083a4d-dd92-49e6-b495-6f84a940073c # Example: cc4997c1-408b-4f1d-a72b-91495c24c6a0
      ilo_cluster_token: 10_d1ea040af1fb0ef60d2660fa093cfb9fad46462a33b887c9ba8a3e3bac1a95d # Example: 170b8aa3dd6d8aa3c284e9ea016e8653f7b51cb4b0431d8cbdba11508763f3a3
      ignore_cert: 'false' # Set to 'true' to ignore the PCE certificate
      log_level: '1' # Default log level is info

    If you are going to use a private PKI to sign the PCE certificate, see Create a ConfigMap to Store Your Root CA Certificate before deploying Kubelink.

  2. Save the changes.
  3. Create the Kubelink secret in your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.

    • Deploy Kubelink secret in Kubernetes:
    kubectl apply -f illumio-kubelink-secret.yml
    • Deploy Kubelink secret in OpenShift:
    oc apply -f illumio-kubelink-secret.yml
  4. Verify the Kubelink secret creation in your Kubernetes cluster.

    • Verify Kubelink secret in Kubernetes:
    kubectl get secret -n illumio-system
    • Verify Kubelink secret in OpenShift:
    oc get secret -n illumio-system

Modify the Kubelink configuration file to point to the correct Docker image. The example in this document has illumio-kubelink:2.0.x.xxxxxx uploaded to, so the image link in this example is:

  1. Edit the Kubelink configuration YAML file. The file name is illumio-kubelink-kubernetes.yml for a Kubernetes cluster or illumio-kubelink-openshift.yml for an OpenShift cluster.
    • Locate the spec: > template: > spec: > containers: section inside the YAML file. Modify the image link in the image: attribute.
  2. Save the changes.

    Below is a snippet from an example of the Kubelink configuration for Kubernetes to illustrate the image location.

    apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
      name: illumio-kubelink
      namespace: illumio-system
      replicas: 1
          app: illumio-kubelink
            app: illumio-kubelink
    #      nodeSelector:
    # ""
          serviceAccountName: illumio-kubelink
          - key:
            effect: NoSchedule
          - name: illumio-kubelink
            imagePullPolicy: Always
              - name: ILO_SERVER
                    name: illumio-kubelink-config
                    key: ilo_server
  3. (Optional) Reference your root CA certificate.
    If you are using a private PKI to sign the PCE certificate, make sure you add the references to the root CA certificate that signed the PCE certificate. By default, the current manifest file provided by Illumio does not include this modification. Open the .yml file and add the following code blocks:
    • volumeMounts (under spec.template.spec.containers)
    • volumes (under spec.template.spec)

    root-ca is the name used to designate the new volume mounted in the container. You can modify it according to your naming convention.

            - name: root-ca
              mountPath: /etc/pki/tls/ilo_certs/
              readOnly: false
          - name: root-ca
              name: root-ca-config
  4. (Optional) Reference your container registry secret. See the Authenticate Kubernetes Cluster with Container Registry section.
    In case you need to authenticate against your container registry when you pull an image from your cluster, you must make reference to the secret previously created for the container registry. Locate the spec: > template: > spec: section inside the YAML file and add the following lines:
          - name: <container-registry-secret-name>


    Indentation matters in a YAML file. Make sure there are 6 spaces to the left before inserting the 'imagePullSecrets' keyword and align the '-' character below it with the 'i' of the 'imagePullSecrets' keyword.

  5. Deploy Kubelink.
    • To deploy Kubelink for Kubernetes:
    • kubectl apply -f illumio-kubelink-kubernetes.yml

    • To deploy Kubelink for OpenShift:
    • oc apply -f illumio-kubelink-openshift.yml

  6. Verify your deployment.
    • To check the Kubelink Pod status for Kubernetes:
    • kubectl get pods -n illumio-system

    • To check the Kubelink Pod status for OpenShift:
    • oc get pods -n illumio-system

The illumio-kubelink-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx Pod should be in the "Running" state.

After Kubelink is successfully deployed, you can check the cluster information in the Illumio PCE UI. From the main menu, navigate to Infrastructure > Container Clusters.

Below is an example of a healthy container cluster state reported by Kubelink, where Status is "In Sync".

You can also verify in the PCE UI that Kubelink was successfully deployed by checking the following:

  • Under the Container Workload Profiles tab, namespaces created in your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster should be listed. An example is shown below.

  • Under Policy Objects > Virtual Services, services created in your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster should be listed. An example is shown below.