PCE Installation Planning

This section describes the decisions you must make and the preparatory tasks you must do before installing the PCE.

Planning Checklist

The following checklist helps you to plan your PCE installation. Details for each task are described in later sections.


See section...

Capacity sizing for CPUs, RAM, and storage device size and IOPS

PCE Capacity Planning

PCE storage device partitions

PCE Storage Device Partitions

Verify PCE reserved port ranges (for MNCs; does not apply in an SNC)

Port Ranges for Cluster Communication

Load balancer setup

Load Balancer Requirements

IP address for the PCE

PCE IP Address

DNS domain name setup

DNS Requirements

Mail software

SMTP Requirements

TLS setup, including SSL certificate types and settings

(Optional) SAML IdP


OS package dependencies, libraries, NTP, iptables, UTF-8, Trusted CA, syslog, process and file limits, and kernel parameters

OS Setup and Package Dependencies

Your full organization name

About Your Organization Name and ID

VEN installation, including planning and prerequisites

VEN Installation and Upgrade Guide