Reference: PCE Runtime Parameters

This section lists important PCE runtime configuration parameters, their meaning, their purpose, and their exposure levels.

When configuring the PCE with the illumio-pce-env setup script, you are prompted for many of these parameters. See Configure the PCE for information.

  • The runtime_env.yml file contains sensitive information that should be kept secret, such as encryption keys. Take steps to ensure the confidentiality of this file.

  • The runtime_env.yml file is not included in automatic PCE backups. You must manually back up this file to a secure location.

Runtime File Exposure Levels

The Illumio PCE runtime_env.yml file provides the following exposure levels for PCE configuration:

  • Public Stable (public_stable): These runtime_env.yml parameters can be used by all customers. All changes are backward compatible.
  • Public Experimental (public_experimental): These runtime_env.yml parameters can be used by all customers but might change from release to release with no guarantee of backwards compatibility.

Required Runtime Parameters

The following table lists the required runtime_env.yml file parameters for each PCE software node you deploy. All required parameters have no default values. All paths configured in this file must be absolute.

Required Parameter




Includes sub-parameters to enable identified preview features



The full path to the location of the PCE binaries and scripts

The software does not write to any files in this directory, so it can be read-only.

For example:

install_root: /opt/illumio-pce

Public Stable


The full path to the location where the PCE writes runtime data

This data can be deleted on reboot if necessary. This directory should have 700 permissions, but all of its files will have 600 permissions. This directory must be owned by the user that runs the PCE software.

For example:

runtime_data_root: /var/lib/illumio-pce/runtime

Public Stable


The full path to the location where the PCE writes persistent data

This data must persist across reboots for the software to work properly. This directory should have 700 permissions, but all of its files will have 600 permissions. This directory must be owned by the user that runs the PCE software.

For example:

persistent_data_root: /var/lib/illumio-pce/data

Public Stable


The full path to the location where the PCE writes temporary files

These files must not be deleted while the software is running, but they should be deleted on reboot. This directory should have 700 permissions, but all of its files will have 600 permissions.

For example:

ephemeral_data_root: /var/lib/illumio-pce/tmp

Public Stable


The directory where the PCE software writes some text file logs (although most PCE services log to syslog)

logrotate (or similar) should be used to manage these files.

For example:

log_dir: /var/log/illumio-pce

Public Stable


The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the PCE cluster

For example:


Public Stable



The FQDN of your entire cluster


If you change the value of cluster_public_ips, wait for the paired VENs to receive the new IP addresses and begin heartbeating to them.

Public Stable


Full path to the X.509 public certificate used by this node for TLS

See TLS Requirements for more information on the contents of the certificate files.

For example:

web_service_certificate: /etc/pki/tls/certs/my_cert.crt

Public Stable


The RSA private key for TLS that matches the public certificate

The private key must be PEM encoded in PKCS#12 format without a password.

For example:

web_service_private_key: /var/lib/illumio-pce/cert/rsa_private_key.key

Alternatively, you can specify a script (using $ notation) that outputs the private key. This approach is useful when you need to store the key in a hardware security module (HSM) or other key store.

For example:

web_service_private_key: $ /var/lib/illumio-pce/cert/

This script can be located anywhere on the file system as long as it is executable by the ilo-pce user.

Example script output:

$ /local/scripts/



many lines trimmed here


Public Stable


Email sender address used by the PCE when sending emails from the system; for example, to send invitations and notifications

For example:


Public Stable


The FQDN or IP address of the first core node

Public Experimental


The key used to encrypt Service Discovery node traffic.

This value must be the same for all PCE nodes. This key must be 16 bytes that are base64 encoded.

For example:

service_discovery_encryption_key: 05TlqH1W0cKcK797DV73yg==

Public Stable


The type of the PCE software node

Allowable values:

  • core: core node
  • data0: data node
  • data1: data node
  • snc0: single-node cluster
  • citus_coordinator: coordinator node for multi-node traffic database
  • citus_worker: worker node for multi-node traffic database

For example:

node_type: core

Public Stable


A custom message on the PCE login screen typically used to display legal notice or company policy when a user logs in

Public Stable


PCE cluster type. Required on every node in a multi-node cluster (MNC). Not required on a single-node cluster (SNC).

One of the following:

  • 4node_v0: 2x2 PCE cluster
  • 4node_v0_small: 2x2 PCE cluster with fewer compute and memory resources

  • 6node_v0: 4x2 PCE cluster
  • 4node_dx: 2x2 PCE cluster with multi-node traffic database
  • 6node_dx: 4x2 PCE cluster with multi-node traffic database

Default: 4node_v0

Public Stable

Optional Runtime Parameters

The following table lists common optional runtime_env.yml file parameters for each PCE software node you deploy. Your Illumio Professional Services representative might provide additional parameters to configure certain advanced functions.

For additional TLS information for the min_tls_version parameter, see these topics:

Optional Parameter




The base URL used to fetch the VENs and to enable workload pairing with the PCE

Required format: https://host[:port]/repo_dir

You can use alternate ports by specifying the port at the end of hostname. repo_dir cannot be empty.

For example:

Default: None

Public Stable


IP addresses of the VEN repository

These IP addresses are injected into iptables to allow outbound access to the yum/apt get repositories without having to write an explicit PCE policy.

Setting this parameter allows outbound access on ports 80 and 443 to these IP addresses. You can specify both single IP addresses or IP addresses with CIDR notation.

When you do not specify this parameter, the VEN won't be allowed to access the repository containing VEN software packages.

For example:


Default: None

Public Stable


The IP address of the PCE

Set this value manually only when you want to use a public IP address or the PCE node has multiple interfaces.

For example:


Default: The first available private IP address on the node

Public Stable


The front end HTTPS port

When the cluster is front-ended by a server load balancer, such as F5, it must be configured to forward this port.

For example:

front_end_https_port: 8443

Default: TCP 8443 if not set by front_end_management_https_port or front_end_https_port

Public Stable



The front end Event Service port

When the cluster is front-ended by a server load balancer, such as F5, it must be configured to forward this port. The idle connection timeout on the server load balancer might need to be configured to maintain the connections on this port. Please contact your Illumio Professional Services representative for information on configuring your server load balancer.

For example:

front_end_event_service_port: 8444

Default: 8444

Public Stable


The port for PCE web console and REST API

This key separates different kinds of communication. See also front_end_https_port.

Default: TCP 8443 if not set by front_end_management_https_port or front_end_https_port

Public Stable


The export format (CEF, LEEF, or JSON) for VEN flow summaries and Organization events.

When you specify CEF or LEEF format, you will continue getting traffic flows and Organization events in JSON format.

For example:

syslog_event_export_format: cef

Default: json

Public Stable


The minimum Transport Layer Security (TLS) version used to secure VEN-to-PCE communications, the PCE's web server for the PCE web console, and the REST API.

It is recommended that you use the default setting, 1.2. Earlier TLS versions, such as 1.0 and 1.1, are considered less secure, so it is recommended you do not use them. In rare circumstances, such as when using older operating systems, you might need to change the minimum TLS version.

Allowable values: tls1_0, tls 1_1, tls1_2.

For example:

min_tls_version: tls1_2

Default: tls1_2

Public Stable


Specifies whether to allow the use of weaker TLS ciphers, such as cipher block chaining (CBC) ciphers. Stronger ciphers are recommended.

For most deployments, Illumio recommends that you change the value to false so that you use strong ciphers. Illumio recommends you keep the default value (true) for this setting only when using clients or operating systems that can only negotiate TLS using CBC ciphers. This parameter exists to support backward compatibility for such older versions of TLS.

For example:

insecure_tls_weak_ciphers_enabled: false

Default: true

Public Stable


The path to the trusted root certificate bundle.

The PCE uses this parameter to validate that the certificates are trusted and indicates the path to the trusted root certificate bundle file.

For example:


Default: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

Public Stable


Email display name to be used when sending email from the system. For example, to send invitations and notifications from the PCE.

For example:


Default: noreply

Public Stable



SMTP relay information used by the PCE to send email; for example, to send invitations and notifications.

The PCE assumes that an SMTP Relay runs on localhost and listens on When this isn't the case, you must specify the configuration on the core nodes.

Use one of the following formats:

  • ip_address (e.g.
  • ip_address:port (e.g.

For example:



Public Stable


The types of traffic flow summaries to export to Fluentd.

Values: accepted (allowed), potentially_blocked, blocked

For example:

  - accepted

- potentially_blocked

- blocked

Public Experimental


Enables traffic flow summaries to syslog.

Values: accepted (allowed), potentially_blocked, blocked

For example:

  - accepted
  - potentially_blocked
  - blocked

To export blocked traffic summaries, include only the flow summary type when specifying the parameter; for example:

  - blocked 

Public Experimental


Specifies whether to use the PCE's fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) or the hostname in syslog messages. The FQDN can be more helpful if the short hostnames are difficult to distinguish.

Values: true (the host= field uses the FQDN), false (default)

For example:

internal_syslog_fqdn_enabled: true

Public Experimental