Install and Upgrade

The Illumio Core consists of these main components:

  • PCE (Policy Compute Engine) enables centralized visibility and policy management for globally distributed environments at a massive enterprise scale
  • VENs (Virtual Enforcement Nodes) are installed in discrete operating system instances and provide complete visibility and enforcement.

To learn how to deploy the PCE and VEN software, see the PCE Installation and Upgrade Guide and VEN Installation and Upgrade Guide. In previous releases, these guides were titled the PCE Deployment and VEN Deployment Guides.

The information in this category provides all the information you need to deploy the Illumio Core and deploy the VEN on hosts to create managed workloads in your environment.

After performing the tasks documented in this category, see the documentation in the Use Core category to get started visualizing your environment and creating policy.

Endpoint Segmentation

Beginning in 21.2.2-VEN and later releases, Illumio supports using the VEN to visualize and segment workloads running on Windows endpoints from a single PCE. In 22.2.30-VEN, the Endpoint VEN supports macOS versions 10.15 (Catalina), 10.16 (Big Sur), and 12.x (Monterey).Using macOS VEN, you can write policies for corporate (BRN network) and external (non-BRN network) interfaces.


Endpoint segmentation is supported for the 21.3.0 PCE and later releases.

To use this feature, see the Endpoint Installation and Usage the Illumio Technical Documentation for Core 22.3.