SecureConnect Setup

Prerequisites, Limitations, and Caveats

Before configuring your workloads to use SecureConnect, review the following prerequisites and limitations, and consider the following caveats.

PKI Certificates with SecureConnect

The following prerequisites and limitations apply when configuring SecureConnect to use certificates:

  • You must have a PKI infrastructure to distribute, manage, and revoke certificates for your workloads. The PCE does not manage certificates or deliver them to your workloads.
  • The PCE supports configuring only one global CA ID for your organization.
  • The VEN on a workload uses a Certificate Authority ID (CA ID) to authenticate and establish a secure connection with a peer workload.

Connected workloads must have CA identity certificates signed by the same root certificate authority. When workloads on either end of a connection use different CA IDs, the IKE negotiation between the workloads will fail and the workloads will not be able to communicate with each other.

VEN Versions

To use PKI certificates with SecureConnect, your workloads must be running VEN version 17.2 or later.

Existing IPsec Configuration on Windows Systems

Installing a VEN on a Windows system does not change the existing Windows IPsec configuration, even though SecureConnect is not enabled. The VEN still captures all logging events (event.log, platform.log) from the Windows system that relate to IPsec thereby tracking all IPsec activity.

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Size

IPsec connections cannot assemble fragmented packets. Therefore, a high MTU size can disrupt SecureConnect for the workloads running on that host.

Illumio recommends setting the MTU size at 1400 or lower when enabling SecureConnect for a workload.


Enabling SecureConnect for a workload routes all traffic for that workload through the SecureConnect connection using ports 500/UDP and 4500/UDP for NAT traversal and for environments where ESP traffic is not allowed on the network (for example, when using Amazon Web Services). You must allow 500/UDP and 4500/UDP to traverse your network for SecureConnect.

Unsupported SecureConnect Usage

SecureConnect is not supported in the following situations:

  • SecureConnect cannot be used between a workload and unmanaged entities, such as the label “Any ( and ::/0” (such as, the internet).
  • SecureConnect is not supported on virtual services.
  • SecureConnect is not supported on workloads in the Idle policy state. If you enable it for a rule that applies to workloads that are in both Idle and non-Idle policy states, you can impact the traffic between these workloads.
  • SecureConnect is not supported on AIX and Solaris platforms.

SecureConnect Encryption

When you configure workloads to use SecureConnect be aware of the following caveat.

SecureConnect encrypts traffic for workloads running in all policy states except Idle.


The CPU processing power that a workload uses determines the capacity of the encryption. The packet size and throughput determine the amount of power that is required to process the encrypted traffic using this feature.

In practice, enabling SecureConnect for a workload is unlikely to cause a big spike in CPU processing or a decrease in network throughput. However, Illumio recommends benchmarking performance before enabling SecureConnect and comparing results after enabling it.

SecureConnect Host-to-Host Encryption

When you configure workloads to use SecureConnect be aware of the following caveat.

SecureConnect encrypts traffic between workloads on a host-to-host basis. Consider the following example.

In this example, it appears that enabling SecureConnect will only affect MySQL traffic. However, when you enable SecureConnect for a rule to encrypt traffic between a database workload and a web workload over port 3306, the traffic on all ports between the database and web workloads is protected by IPsec encryption.

Use Pre-Shared Keys with SecureConnect

SecureConnect includes the option of using pre-shared keys (generated by the PCE) or client-side PKI certificates for IKE authentication.

You can configure SecureConnect to use pre-shared keys (PSKs) to build IPsec tunnels that are automatically generated by the PCE. SecureConnect uses one key per organization. All the workloads in that organization share the one PSK. SecureConnect uses a randomly generated 64-character alpha-numeric string, for example:


When SecureConnect is enabled for a workload, you can extract the PSK from a file in the /opt/illumio directory, where the VEN stores it. You cannot force the PCE to regenerate and apply a new PSK. If you feel the PSK has been compromised, contact Technical Support.


Illumio customers accessing the PCE from the Illumio cloud can have multiple Organizations. However, the Illumio PCE does not support multiple Organizations when you have installed the PCE in your datacenter.

Configure SecureConnect for Pre-shared keys

To configure SecureConnect to usepre-sharedkeys, follow these steps:

  1. From the PCE navigation menu, choose Infrastructure > SecureConnect Gateways.
  2. On the SecureConnect Gateways page, click Add.





Name of the SC Gateway

Type the name of the Gateway (required)



Type the description of the Gateway
  Gateway IP Address Type the IP address of the Gateway
VPN CONFIGURATION Authentication Choose between the Certificate and a pre-shared key
    Certificate (rsa-sig)
    Pre-shared Key
  Pre-shared Key Enter the key ID
  Idle Timeout (minutes) e.g. 5
  Rules Rules include Protected IP list. Scope is expanded to all workloads when not restricted to specific labels.


Use Client-side PKI Certificates with SecureConnect

SecureConnect allows you to use client-side PKI certificates for IKE authentication and IPsec communication between managed Workloads. The PCE supports configuring only one global CA ID for your organization. Configuring SecureConnect to use certificates applies the setting to All Roles, All Applications, All Environments, and All Locations.

Configuring SecureConnect to use PKI certificates in the global Security Settings page does not manage certificates for your organization or deliver them to your Workloads.


You must independently set up certificates on your Windows and Linux Workloads. For information, see Requirements for Certificate Setup on Workloads.

If you have a certificate management infrastructure in place, you can leverage it for IKE authenticate between workloads because it provides higher security compared to using pre-shared keys (PSKs).

Certificate-based SecureConnect works for connections between Linux workloads, between Windows workloads, and between Linux and Windows workloads.

The IPsec configuration uses the certificate with the distinguished name from the issuer field that you specify during PCE configuration for IKE peer authentication.

Configure SecureConnect for Pre-shared keys

To configure SecureConnect to use a PKI certificate, follow these steps:

  1. From the PCE navigation menu, choose Infrastructure > SecureConnect Gateways.
  2. On the SecureConnect Gateways page, click Add.





Name of the SC Gateway

Type the name of the Gateway (required)



Type the description of the Gateway
  Gateway IP Address Type the IP address of the Gateway
VPN CONFIGURATION Authentication Choose between the Certificate and a pre-shared key
    Certificate (rsa-sig)
    Pre-shared Key
  Certificate Authority ID Issuer DN (required)
  Local ID Gateway subject DN
  Remote ID Workload subject DN
  Idle Timeout (minutes) e.g. 5
  Rules Rules include Protected IP list. Scope is expanded to all workloads when not restricted to specific labels.

Requirements for Certificate Setup on Workloads

To use PKI certificates with SecureConnect, you must independently set up certificates on your Windows and Linux workloads.

Generate or obtain certificates from a trusted source in your organization. You should only use certificates obtained from trusted sources.

File Requirements



Issuer's certificate

The global CA certificate, either root or intermediate, in PEM or DER format


On Linux, the issuer's certificate must be readable by the Illumio user.

pkcs12 container

Archive containing the public key, private key, and identity certificate generated for the workload host.

Sign the identity certificate using the global root certificate.

You can password protect the container and private key but do not password protect the public key.

Certificate Requirements

There are certain requirements regarding certificate use that you have to follow for the installation:

  • x509 certificate must contain fields SubjectName and SubjectAltName.

  • SubjectNameDN should contain CN, which has to match to DNS name of SubjectAltName.

X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
Subject: OU=VEN,
  • x509v3 extension with the key usage must have Digital Signature, Key agreement

  • x509v3 extension with extended key usage must contain either "Any Extended Key Usage" or "IPSec End System, IPSec User, TLS Web Server Authentication"

  • x509v3 extension with the authority Key Identifier field is required as well

Installation Locations

Windows Store

Use the Windows OS, for example Microsoft Management Console (MMC), to import the files into these locations of the local machine store (not into your user store).

  • Root certificate: Trusted Root Certificate Store
  • pkcs12 container: Personal ("My") certificate store
WARNING: If the Windows machine cert storage /My/Personal contains more than one certificate issued by the same issuer, Windows doesn’t know what to pick to program Cert for SecureConnect.
WARNING: Make sure to have one single certificate for IPSec (not for SSL or other purposes) that is signed by a distinguished Issuer.

Linux Directories

Copy the files into the following Linux directories. (You cannot change these directories.)

  • Root certificate: /opt/illumio_ven/etc/ipsed.d/cacert
  • pkcs12 container: /opt/illumio_ven/etc/ipsed.d/private

Enable SecureConnect for a Rule

The following table lists the valid provider and consumer combinations for which you can enable SecureConnect:

  • Provider




    Any service


    All workloads

    Any service

    All workloads

    Label/Label Group

    Any service

    Label/Label Group

  • SecureConnect is supported on workloads in Visibility Only and Full enforcement states.

  • NOTE:

    When SecureConnect is enabled on a VEN, it is not disabled when the VEN is suspended.

  • From the PCE web console menu, choose Rulesets and Rules > Ruleset.

    The Rulesets page appears.

  • Create a new ruleset or open an existing one. See Rulesets for information.
  • In the ruleset, select the Scopes and Rules tab.
  • If necessary create an intra-scope or an extra-scope rule. See Rule Writing for information. To edit an existing rule, click the edit icon at the end of the row.
  • To enable SecureConnect for the rule, select SecureConnect from the Providing Service drop-down list.
  • Click the Save icon at the end of the row.
  • To apply the changes to the applicable workloads, provision the changes. See Provision Changes for information.
  • When you enable SecureConnect for a rule, the PCE duplicates symmetrical encryption for both sides of the connection.