View and Export Events

The Illumio Managed Services Portal web console provides an ongoing log of all Organization events that occur in your Illumio Managed Services Portal organization. For example, Organization events capture actions such as users logging in and logging out, tenant creation, failed login attempts, and so on.

From the platform and API perspective, Organization events are referred to internally as auditable_events and are generated by the auditable_events_service.

View Events


A wealth of information about Events is available in the Core PCE documentation in the Events Administration Guide. However, please note that not all of the information in that guide pertains to your Illumio Managed Services Portal organization. For assistance, please send a message to

  1. Select Troubleshoot > Events.

  2. Use the filters to search for events by type of event, event severity level, and when the event occurred.

  3. Once you've defined a filter, click Go to run the query.

Export Events

You can export all Organization events or a filtered list of events to a CSV file.

  1. Select Troubleshoot > Events.

    • To export all Organization events, click Export and then select Export All.

    • To export a filtered list of events, filter the list, click Export, and then select Export Filtered.

    • To search for events based on event type, severity, status, timestamp, and who generated them, use the search filter.

    • To use Quick Filters, click the double arrows.

List of Events

The following table provides the types of JSON events generated and their description. For each of these events, the CEF/LEEF success or failure events generated are the event name followed by .success or .failure.

For example, the CEF/LEEF success event for auth_security_principal.create is auth_security_principal.create.success and the failure event is auth_security_principal.create.failure.

Each event can generate a variety of notification messages. See Notification Messages in Events.

JSON Event Type Description Severity
auth_security_principal.create RBAC auth security principal created Informational
auth_security_principal.delete RBAC auth security principal deleted Informational
auth_security_principal.update RBAC auth security principal updated Informational
authentication_settings.update Authentication settings updated Informational
org.create Organization created Informational
org.delete Organization deleted Informational
org.update Organization updated Informational
org.unpair_vens VENs unpaired Informational
orgs.ven_count Active VEN count for a list of orgs obtained Informational
password_policy.create Password policy created Informational
password_policy.delete Password policy deleted Informational
password_policy.update Password policy updated Informational
permission.create RBAC permission created Informational
permission.delete RBAC permission deleted Informational
permission.update RBAC permission updated Informational
request.authentication_failed API request authentication failed Informational
request.authorization_failed API request authorization failed Informational
request.internal_server_error API request failed due to internal server error Informational
request.invalid API request failed because it was invalid Informational
request.service_unavailable API request failed due to unavailable service Informational
request.unknown_server_error API request failed due to unknown server error Informational
saml_acs.update SAML assertion consumer services updated Informational
saml_config.create SAML configuration created Informational
saml_config.delete SAML configuration deleted Informational
saml_config.pce_signing_cert SAML signing certificate created or rotated Informational
saml_config.update SAML configuration updated Informational
security_principal.create RBAC security principal created Informational
security_principal.delete RBAC security principal deleted Informational
security_principal.update RBAC security principal updated Informational
security_principals.bulk_create RBAC security principals bulk created Informational
system_task.prune_old_log_events Event pruning completed Informational
user.accept_invitation User invitation accepted Informational
user.authenticate User authenticated Informational
user.create User created Informational
user.create_session User session created Informational
user.delete User deleted Informational
user.invite User invited Informational
user.login User logged in Informational
user.login_session_terminated User login session terminated Informational
user.logout User logged out Informational
user.pce_session_terminated User session terminated Informational
user.reset_password User password reset Informational
user.sign_in User session created Informational
user.sign_out User session terminated Informational
user.update User session updated Informational
user.update_password User password updated Informational
user.use_expired_password User entered expired password Informational
user_local_profile.create User local profile created Informational
user_local_profile.delete User local profile deleted Informational
user_local_profile.reinvite User local profile reinvited Informational
user_local_profile.update_password User local password updated Informational

Notification Messages in Events

Events can generate a variety of notifications that are appended after the event type:

  • hard_limit.exceeded
  • pce.application_started
  • pce.application_stopped

  • request.authentication_failed

  • request.authorization_failed

  • request.internal_server_error

  • request.invalid

  • request.service_unavailable

  • request.unknown_server_error

  • soft_limit.exceeded

  • system_task.event_pruning_completed

  • system_task.hard_limit_recovery_completed

  • user.csrf_validation_failed

  • user.login_failed

  • user.login_failure_count_exceeded

  • user.login_session_created

  • user.login_session_terminated

  • user.pce_session_created

  • user.pce_session_terminated

  • user.pw_change_failure

  • user.pw_changed

  • user.pw_complexity_not_met

  • user.pw_reset_completed

  • user.pw_reset_requested