Product Usage

This topic describes the purpose of the Illumio CloudSecure product usage feature and provides a general example of how you would use it.

Displaying Product Usage

In the Product Usage page, the graphs display the following:

  • Drop-down menu for a defined time window (30 days or 90 days) or a custom time range going back to day zero
  • Drop-down menu for the presentation style (line chart or area chart)
  • Illumio Workload Hours by date, with the following types of workload hours:
    • Total Illumio Workload Hours
    • Compute Workload Hours
    • Database Workload Hours
    • Container Hosts
    • Serverless Containers
    • Serverless Functions
  • Data Processed by date and Daily Totals of Data Processed (volume in GB)
A workload represents an Illumio-managed resource in your environment. A workload hour represents the number of hours for which a workload was managed.

The workloads hours and log storage display according to your time selection (such as the last 30 or 90 days). You can see mouse-over text for the data by moving your cursor over the dots on the graph lines. Click Export to export the workload and log storage data to a .csv file, which will contain data for the time selection.