
Relationship-based access control rules often use IP addresses to convey identity. This authentication method can be effective. However, in certain environments, using IP addresses to establish identity is not advisable.

Overview of AdminConnect

When you enforce policy on servers for clients that change their IP addresses frequently, the policy enforcement points (PEPs) continuously need to update security rules for IP address changes. These frequent changes can cause performance and scale challenges, and the ipsets of protected workloads to churn.

Additionally, using IP addresses for authentication is vulnerable to IP address spoofing. For example, server A can connect to server B because the PEP uses IP addresses in packets to determine when connections originate from server A. However, in some environments, bad actors can spoof IP addresses and impact the PEP at server B so that it mistakes a connection as coming from server A.

Illumio designed its AdminConnect (Machine Authentication) feature with these types of environments in mind. Using AdminConnect, you can control access to network resources based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates. Because the feature bases identity on cryptographic identity associated with the certificates and not IP addresses, mapping users to IP addresses (common for firewall configuration) is not required.

With AdminConnect, a workload can use the certificates-based identity of a client to verify its authenticity before allowing it to connect.

Features of AdminConnect

Cross Platform

Microsoft Windows provides strong support for access control based on PKI certificates assigned to Windows machines. Modern datacenters, however, must support heterogeneous environments. Consequently, Illumio designed AdminConnect to support Windows and Linux servers and Windows laptop clients.

AdminConnect and Data Encryption

When only AdminConnect is enabled, data traffic does not use ESP encryption. This ensures that data is in cleartext even though it is encapsulated in an ESP packet.

When AdminConnect and SecureConnect are enabled for a rule, the ESP packets are encrypted.

Ease of Deployment

Enabling AdminConnect for identity-based authentication is easy because it is a software solution and it does not require deploying any network choke points such as firewalls. It also does not require you to deploy expensive solutions such as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) or bastion hosts to control access to critical systems in your datacenters.

AdminConnect Prerequisites and Limitations


You must meet the following prerequisites to use AdminConnect:

  • You must configure SecureConnect to use certificate-based authentication because both features rely on the same PKI certificate infrastructure. See the following topics for more information:
  • AdminConnect must be used with VEN version 17.3 and later.
  • AdminConnect supports Linux/Windows IKE v1 (client only) with unmanaged workloads.


You cannot enable AdminConnect for the following types of rules:

  • Rules that use All services
  • Rules with virtual services in providers or consumers

  • Rules with IP lists as providers or consumers

  • Stateless rules

AdminConnect is not supported in these situations:

  • AdminConnect does not support “TCP -1” (TCP all ports) and “UDP -1” (UDP all ports) services.
  • You cannot use Windows Server 2008 R2 or earlier versions as an AdminConnect server.
  • Windows Server does not support more than four IKE/IPsec security associations (SAs) concurrently from the same Linux peer (IP addresses).

Enable AdminConnect for a Rule

AdminConnect is supported on workloads in the Visibility Only and Full enforcement . See AdminConnect Prerequisites and Limitations for the list of rule types that do not support AdminConnect.

  1. From the PCE web console menu, choose Rulesets and Rules > Rulesets.

    The Rulesets page appears.

  2. Create a new ruleset or open an existing one. See Rulesets for information.
  3. In the ruleset, select the Scopes and Rules tab.
  4. If necessary create an intra-scope or an extra-scope rule. See Rule Writing for information. To edit an existing rule, click the edit icon at the end of the row.

  5. To enable AdminConnect for the rule, select Machine Authentication from the Providing Service drop-down list.


    AdminConnect is displayed as Machine Authentication in the services drop-down lists.

  6. Click the Save icon at the end of the row.

    The page refreshes and the Providing Service column indicates that AdminConnect is enabled for that Rule.

  7. To apply the changes to the applicable workloads, provision the changes. See Provision Changes for information.

Secure Laptops with AdminConnect

You can use Illumio to authenticate laptops and grant them access to managed workloads. To manage a laptop with AdminConnect, complete the following tasks:

  1. Deploy a PKI certificate on the laptop. See “Certificates for AdminConnect” in the PCE Administration Guide
  2. Add the laptop to the PCE by creating an unmanaged workload and assign the appropriate labels to it to be used for rule writing
  3. Create rules using those labels to grant access to the managed workloads. See Enable AdminConnect for a Rule for information.
  4. Configure IPsec on a laptop.

To add a laptop to the PCE by creating an unmanaged workload:

To manage a laptop with AdminConnect, add the laptop to the PCE as an unmanaged workload.

  1. From the PCE web console menu, choose Workloads > Add > Add Unmanaged Workload.

    The Workloads – Add Unmanaged Workload page appears.

  2. Complete the fields in the General, Labels, Attributes, and Processes sections. See Add an Unmanaged Workload for information.
  3. In the Machine Authentication ID field, enter all or part of the DN string from the Issuer field of the end entity certificate (CA Subject Name). For example:

    CN=win2k12, O=Illumio, OU=Portal, ST=CA, C=US, L=Sunnyvale


    Enter the exact string that you get from the openssl command output.

  4. Click Save.

To configure IPsec on a laptop:

To use the AdminConnect feature with laptops in your organization, you must configure IPsec for these clients.

See the Microsoft Technet article Netsh Commands for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) for information about using netsh to configure IPsec.

See also the following examples for information about the IPsec settings required to manage laptops with the AdminConnect feature.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> netsh advfirewall show global

Global Settings:
StrongCRLCheck                        0:Disabled
SAIdleTimeMin                         5min
DefaultExemptions                     NeighborDiscovery,DHCP
IPsecThroughNAT                       Server and client behind NAT
AuthzUserGrp                          None
AuthzComputerGrp                      None
AuthzUserGrpTransport                 None
AuthzComputerGrpTransport             None

StatefulFTP                           Enable
StatefulPPTP                          Enable

Main Mode:
KeyLifetime                           60min,0sess
SecMethods                            ECDHP384-AES256-SHA384
ForceDH                               Yes

BootTimeRuleCategory                  Windows Firewall
FirewallRuleCategory                  Windows Firewall
StealthRuleCategory                   Windows Firewall
ConSecRuleCategory                    Windows Firewall


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> netsh advfirewall consec show  rule name=all

Rule Name:                            telnet
Enabled:                              Yes
Profiles:                             Domain,Private,Public
Type:                                 Static
Mode:                                 Transport
Endpoint1:                            Any
Endpoint2:                  ,,
Port1:                                Any
Port2:                                23
Protocol:                             TCP
Action:                               RequireInRequireOut
Auth1:                                ComputerKerb,ComputerCert
Auth1CAName:                          CN=MACA, O=Company, OU=engineering, S=CA, C=US, L=Sunnyvale,
Auth1CertMapping:                     No
Auth1ExcludeCAName:                   No
Auth1CertType:                        Intermediate
Auth1HealthCert:                      No
MainModeSecMethods:                   ECDHP384-AES256-SHA384
QuickModeSecMethods:                  ESP:SHA1-AES256+60min+100256kb
ApplyAuthorization:                   No