
Enterprises have requirements to encrypt in transit data in many environments, particularly in PCI and other regulated environments. Encrypting in transit data is straightforward for an enterprise when the data is moving between data centers. An enterprise can deploy dedicated security appliances (such as VPN concentrators) to implement IPsec-based communication across open untrusted networks.

However, what if an enterprise needs to encrypt in transit data within a VLAN, data center, or PCI environment, or from a cloud location to an enterprise data center? Deploying a dedicated security appliance to protect every workload is no longer feasible, especially in public cloud environments. Additionally, configuring and managing IPsec connections becomes more difficult as the number of hosts increases.

Our Solution

SecureConnect leverages the built-in encryption libraries of host operating systems. On Windows hosts, SecureConnect utilizes Windows IPsec. On Linux hosts, SecureConnect utilizes StrongSwan and Linux kernel IPsec for traffic encryption.

With SecureConnect, Illumio delivers a feature that configures the Security Associations (SAs) necessary to enable traffic encryption between workloads. Once authenticated, encryption and cryptographic suites provide confidentiality and data integrity to network traffic flowing between workloads.

The PCE centrally manages all traffic encryption for workloads so that it can be policy driven. For example, a customer can require that all traffic between their web servers and database servers is encrypted. Selecting the SecureConnect option for these workloads allows the PCE to apply the requisite security policy to your organization to make that happen. SecureConnect reduces the complexity of configuring IPsec encryption and auto-scales per your policy definitions.

Use Cases

Employing SecureConnect is especially beneficial in these common scenarios:

  • Facilitate PCI compliance by ensuring that confidential data is encrypted over the network.
  • Secure off-site backup and recovery of data across geographically distributed datacenters.
  • Secure communications across applications and application tiers for regulatory compliance and tighter security.
  • Enable secure data migration across different public cloud providers.

Features of SecureConnect

SecureConnect has the following key features.

Platforms Supported by SecureConnect

SecureConnect works for connections between Linux workloads, between Windows workloads, and between Linux and Windows workloads.

IPsec Implementation

SecureConnect implements a subset of the IPsec protocol called Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), which provides confidentiality, data-origin authentication, connectionless integrity, an anti-replay service, and limited traffic-flow confidentiality.

In its implementation of ESP, SecureConnect uses IPsec transport mode. Using transport mode, only the original payload is encrypted between the workloads. The original IP header information is unchanged so all network routing remains the same. However, the protocol being used will be changed to reflect the transport mode (ESP).

Making this change causes no underlying interfaces to change or be created or any other underlying networking infrastructure changes. Using this approach simply obfuscates the data between endpoint workloads by encrypting the data between them.

If SecureConnect is unable to secure traffic between two workloads with IPsec, it will block unencrypted traffic when the policy was configured to encrypt that traffic.

IKE Versions Used for SecureConnect

SecureConnect connections between workloads use the following versions of Internet Key Exchange (IKE) based on workload operating system:

  • Linux ↔ Linux: IKEv2
  • Windows ↔ Windows: IKEv1
  • Windows ↔ Linux: IKEv1

For a list of supported operating systems for managed workloads, see the VEN OS Support and Package Dependencies on the Illumio Support portal (login required).

Using SecureConnect

To learn how to use SecureConnect with pre-shared keys and PKI certificates, see SecureConnect Setup.